Simon Fell > Its just code
Simon Fell
Decafbad: Doc Searls OSCon slides. Decafbad blogs Doc Searls slides from OSCon - some insightful stuff about the clash between technologists and Hollywood.... []
Monday, July 29, 2002
Netscape 4 turned 5. 5 years ago, my best friend wasn't even dating; now he's married and has two kids. Fucking upgrade already. [dive into mark] ROTFL
Lots of response to Sams latest essay : Expect More
Sunday, July 28, 2002
Cool, Tim gets a home page that says more than Tim hasn't written his web page yet...> :)
DIME w/ doc/lit SOAP interop results
Saturday, July 27, 2002
PocketSOAP 1.3.5
Just released, includes updates to the DIME support to match the June 17 specs, and the HTTP transport upgraded to HTTP 1.1
Simon Fell > Its just code : Thursday, July 25, 2002: "Just got a wireless network card for my iPaq, works a treat!" Which did you get? I picked up the Linksys CompactFlash card and it works very well, although it is a bit slow on making the initial connection. Drags the extra battery pack down pretty fast though. [snellspace] Yeah, I picked up the Linksys as well, my only complaint so far, is that it sticks out forward over the CF sleeve, so that you have to remove the card from the sleeve before you can take the iPaq out of the sleeve.
PocketFeed. So, here's some information about a new project that I've been working on over the last week: PocketFeed. PocketFeed is an RSS/RDF news aggregator that runs on the Pocket PC 2002 PDA's. Using OPML for it's blogroll, you can now take your news, blog entries, or any other type of syndicated data with you, sync it wirelessly or read it offline. It's not quiet ready yet, but jump over to the PocketFeed page for the full scoop, some screenshots and when it will be available for download. [The Furrygoat Experience] Cool
The Furrygoat on Embedded Visual C++. I hear you brother!, It can be an incredebly frustrating time working with eVC, it certainly drives me insane whenever I have to spend more than 30 consecutive minutes with it. I hope that the Compact Framework improves the situation, but the current beta doesn't fill me with confidence that it's going to.
Thursday, July 25, 2002
It was the Leapfrog IPO today. Mike Wood got to ring the bell at the NYSE, I got to fight Code Warrior 8 all day.
Just got a wireless network card for my iPaq, works a treat!
Wednesday, July 24, 2002
Let me play the devil's advocate here and add that SOAP is not that useful anymore if all it is used for is to envelope XML in a 'tidy' message for document exchange. I can do that much easier just over HTTP, and REST my case... [Robert van Engelen] Or as a friend of mine likes to say "SOAP is like Oakland, there's no there, there".
Grrrrhhh, that's twice now Code Warrior has lost a bunch of work on me [for no apparent reason], needless to say, I'm pissed !.
Do you really need all this just to programmatically copy a file using Carbon ?, ouch, where the equivilent of Win32's ::CopyFile ??
Tuesday, July 23, 2002
DIME/RPC Interop results
Monday, July 22, 2002
Cool, I see the new document style XSpaces service is up and running.
Russell's upto no good again, and has an AIM interface to the Amazon SOAP API.
Sunday, July 21, 2002
Very slick, nice job Brent!.
David McCusker I've gotten better at describing the technical failings of computing tools. There's always lots of opportunity for practice, because there's a predominance of crummy tools.
New essay: REST + SOAP. [Sam Ruby] A must read from Sam on SOAP and REST.
Saturday, July 20, 2002
Commercial Break: Why wait? Use WS-Routing & Reliable Messaging now with .... MSMQ 3.0 ?!? [Clemens Vasters] Cool, I knew that it did SOAP over HTTP, but didn't know it included WS-Routing support. Added to the todo list, so many toys, so little time ! Switchback. [Hack the Planet] :)
Watson Developer on Sherlock 3. What is the relationship between Watson and Sherlock 3? Karelia Software writes: “We’ve all but given up on any compensation from Apple, so the purpose of ‘going public’ with this answer is because we want to set the record straight.” []
Friday, July 19, 2002
Got an answer to my Radio/AppleScript question, thanks David!
Still having problems with the airport connection on the TiBook, everything appears to be ok (i can browse, get mail, netstat looks resonable), but in iTunes [both 2 &3], the CDDB queries always fail when using the airport connection [works fine when wired], just to add to the confusion, its perfectly happy to play mp3 streams over the airport, just not CDDB. The same problem seems to be affecting the Radio to connection as well. Grrrrhhhh :(
Big turn out at Platform last night, congrats to the Plado Media folks.
James has a sample WSDL 1.1 for the GET binding for the interop registry, whilst its correct, its not particularly useful. All it says is you get a soap response. There's two things i think need to be added, (i) a detailed indication of the response, perhaps a pointer to a binding/operation (ii) an indication that the xlink:href attributes which are typed as xsd:anyURI return a URI to an instance of a particular WSDL binding. A client tool processing the WSDL could then build an object model that navigates around the resources by returning new proxy objects.
Thursday, July 18, 2002
I've been experimenting with a server implementation of the SOAP 1.2 GET HTTP binding for the SOAPBuilders nterop registry. You can see the results at
[If you're an IE user, you might want to use this registry tweak to show application/soap+xml directly]
This has a slightly expanded data model over the current SOAP 1.1 interface, I plan to add a SOAP 1.2 interface to do updates that is based on the new data model in the near future.
Many thanks to Peter Drayton and Sam Ruby for their assistance.
Interesting iBlog thread over on HTP.
Got my iTunes web service up and running using Radio on OS X [which can host AppleScript directly!] and tweaked the onPost callback in my Windows Radio to check the iTunes service if Winamp isn't running locally.
Wednesday, July 17, 2002
Hmmm, only seems to work from IE, other apps such as Radio and iTunes both time out trying to make connections. :(
got the airport card working with the linksys WAP, I can blog from the comfort of the sofa now :)
Tuesday, July 16, 2002
Currently having one last read of the SOAP 1.2 specs before the last call deadline.
Monday, July 15, 2002
I think Tim liked YATT :)
Cool, you can run AppleScript directly in Radio on the Mac, should make my iTunes web service trivial to write.
Sunday, July 14, 2002
Simon Fell: "No doubt the first of many dumb questions about OS X". I don't think it's a dumb question ("how to implement web service in AppleScript") ;). This list of SOAP toolkits says that AppleScript is a 'client only' implementation and I believe that's correct (let me know if you find otherwise). You can use SOAP::Lite (or some other toolkit) to run as a server and plans to publish Randal Schwartz's article 'Connecting AppleScript and Perl with SOAP' that describes how to do that (sorry, no live link yet). [toolbox] Doh!, thanks Paul, I should of looked there first. As OS X gets Apache httpd out of the box, I'll probably use a toolkit that can plug straight into that, first thoughts are SOAP::Lite or gSOAP. Next step is to work out how to run a chunk of AppleScript from Perl or C++.
Saturday, July 13, 2002
No doubt the first of many dumb questions about OS X
BlogToaster Updates
it now has two additional [related] commands, FIND and CHECK. One of the problems with using BlogToaster, even with the IMPORT command, is getting the correct URL to watch, these two commands hopefully make it easier to find the correct URL to watch. For example do
FIND slashdot
BlogToaster says:
SlashDot.Org : add
To find out that you should be watching and not [which is what the RSS feed says]
The CHECK command will return a list of URLs you are watching that haven't ping recently [currently within the last week, but I plan to extend this once I've captured more data]. In some cases the lack of pings is because you're watching the wrong URL, use the FIND command to get the right URL to watch.
Finally I started a BlogToaster mailing list to discuss features / releases etc.
Sam suggested tweaking the MIME database to get IE to display application/soap+xml directly, I put together a reg file with the changes :) Thanks Sam !
Friday, July 12, 2002
No now playing indications at the minute, as I'm giving iTunes a try out [I like it so far], hmmm, i wonder if i get a web service up and running on the TiBook to tell me what iTunes is playing, then hook that into Radio on my desktop.
SOAP 1.2 changes the content-type from text/xml to application/soap+xml, unfortuantly this doesn't play well with the new GET binding, IE now prompts me to save/open the file, rather than just displaying the XML, this makes testing the GET binding from a browser a pain.
Thursday, July 11, 2002
PocketSOAP 1.3.5 beta 1
now available, includes HTTP/1.1 support and the DIME code updated to the latest version of the DIME & WS-Attachments specs.
Wednesday, July 10, 2002
One thing I like about the new XML Web Services Developer Center is the fact that most [but not quite all] have decent, bookmarkable URLs, now if they can just break the long running MSDN tradiation of breaking all the links every month, I'll be really happy.
Raelity Bites: "Oy! Think Secret predicts Apple will rebrand iTools as .Mac". Hmmm, this must be the rollout of that "Think Different" campaign Apple's been going on about... [Peter Drayton's Radio Weblog] Speaking of Macs, the boss tells me that a TiBook along with a copy of CW8 should be landing on my desk tomorrow :)
Lots of new stuff recently, Don gets a blog and there's a bunch of stuff up in the new XML Web Services Developer Center to check out. Sam has some preliminary SOAP 1.2 interop results, and discussions over the GET binding in SOAP 1.2 continue on SOAPBuilders. I'm not sure i see what the issue with the GET binding is, most of the complaints seem to revolve around the fact there no mapping from SOAP to URL's for the request, but the request isn't SOAP, so there won't be a mapping.
Tuesday, July 09, 2002
Google! DayPop! This is my blogchalk: English, United States, San Francisco, Soma, Simon, Male, 31-35!
WSDL12 Press Release The W3C Web Services Activity currently consists of three Royalty-Free Working Groups whose focus is to develop an open, interoperable and extensible model for Web Services... {emphasis added} [Sam Ruby] This is good news, but I'm having a hard time correlating that statement with the IPR statements for the WSDL working group and the XMLP working group.
Monday, July 08, 2002
Cool, Sam is updating the Axis interop tests to use the interop registry.
Sunday, July 07, 2002
Back from the bookshop, picked up a copy of DJ's book Programming Jabber. Only spotted one book on Carbon, and that was mainly focused on UI stuff. Still looking for a good Mac/OS 9/Carbon book. Can't wait til the OS 9 version is out the way, and we can start on the OS X port, which I'm really looking forward to.
Been working on more BlogToaster related stuff, I have a basic client for DJ's Jabber based pub/sub service and I've also been tweaking BlogToaster and the underlying weblogs watcher service.
There's an updated vesion of TcpTrace now available, that has some GUI improvements / bug fixes.
Saturday, July 06, 2002
PocketSOAP roadmap
MSTK 3.0 is released, congrats to Kirill, Mike and the rest of the MSTK team.
The Man Who Loved Only Numbers: The Story of Paul Erdos and the Search for Mathematical Truth This was a fascinating read, highly recommended.
Friday, July 05, 2002
My Linksys WAP turned up today. Already boxed up and ready to be returned, the power connecter doesn't bloody fit :(
Thursday, July 04, 2002
Anyone got any good book recomendations for getting upto speed on programming the Mac [particularly OS 9] ?
Russell's been busy, there's now an RSS feed (subscribed), Jabber, MSN & AIM versions of BlogAgent, and he has some interesting ideas for connecting people based on the blogs they're watching.
Anyone know a fix for this JabberD on Windows problem ?
Wednesday, July 03, 2002
Dusted off my JabberD setup, and started trying out DJ's pub/sub service. Cool, I can send my Jabber subscription, see the service call the weblogs watcher to register the URL. Then I can push a weblog change out and see the Jabber messages comming back in. Awesome!
I was looking at the threading code in Aggie last night, wondering why it didn't use ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem, as that stage in the process its entirely IO bound, using the threadpool makes a lot of sense. But not so fast, Joe pointed out that he ran into a problem with this, and I dug around and indeed there is :( back to the drawing borard.
Reflecting 'ping's with SOAP, Jabber, and Pubsub. .... [DJ's Weblog] Cool, DJ has a Jabber pub/sub layer to go ontop of the weblogs watcher service. The service was designed so that it could scale by doing fanout chaining [as DJ is doing, and as BlogToaster also does] but its still centralized. I'm interested in seeing how a completely decentralized version could be built.
Tuesday, July 02, 2002
Final Web Services DevCon East Speakers. The final line-up of Web Services DevCon East speakers for October 10-11 in Bedford, Mass has been posted. The quality of the talks was so high that we had to forgo one of Don's proposals to get in all the good stuff. If you can only go to one web services conference this year, this is the one that'll pack it in nice and tight! [ Windows Developer News]
Attachments Interop tests for SOAPBuilders.
Monday, July 01, 2002
Microsoft changed the pricing for .NET Alerts. Now you don’t need the initial $15,000 fee, just pay $0.075/user/month. I’d easily pay a dollar a month for such a service. Anyone want my money? [matt.griffith] read the small print, you have to have a Passport license to be able to send .NET Alerts, and thats still $10K/year.
Not to worry. Russell Beattie has Jabber-based toaster (BlogAgent). [toolbox] This is cool, Russell has a Java/Jabber clone of BlogToaster, and by a strange coincidence both Russell and I worked at [the now closed] StreetFusion.
Paul Kulchenko [of SOAP::Lite fame] has started a blog, and emailed me about a typo in my entry about the revised DIME specs, it was of course a WS-Attachments spec, not a WS-Security spec, doh !. Thanks Paul.