Simon Fell > Its just code > Compression in .NET 2.0 Web Services Clients
Friday, December 8, 2006
Over on ADN there's a tech note that explains how to add request & response compression support to .NET generated web services clients. As .NET 2.0 provides support for response compression out the box now (once you've turned it on), you'll find this code fails on .NET 2.0 because it ends up trying to decompress the response twice. So I updated the code for .NET 2.0, it now only has to handle compressing the request. The nice thing about the approach it takes (subclassing the generated proxy class), is that you don't have to change the generated code at all, so it doesn't matter how many times you do update web reference, you'll still be in compressed goodness. So, all you need is this one subclass wrapper around your generated proxy class and you're good to go.
class SforceGzip : sforce.SforceService
public SforceGzip()
this.EnableDecompression = true;
protected override System.Net.WebRequest GetWebRequest(Uri uri)
return new GzipWebRequest(base.GetWebRequest(uri));
Then in your code that uses the proxy, just create an instance of this puppy instead of the regular proxy, e.g.
sforce.SforceService svc = new SforceGzip();
sforce.LoginResult lr = svc.login(args[0], args[1]);
All this is included in the sample project in the download, share and enjoy, share and enjoy