Simon Fell > Its just code > BlogThis

Saturday, April 12, 2003

Cool, its gaining some interest. There's pushback on the use of XML, which i can understand, I was trying to stay with XML to run with something similar to what Sam is thinking about, How does this grab you ?
interface IWeblog
          string Name     { get ; } 
          Uri    Homepage { get ; }
interface IWeblogItem
          string    Title { get ; } 
          Uri       Link  { get ; } 
          DateTime  Date  { get ; } 
          string    Post  { get ; } 
interface IWeblogItemAction
          void DoAction ( IWeblog , IWeblogItem ) ;
This also highlights a hole in the rssItem XML approach, in that some channel level info would be useful, perhaps the XML version will need to recreate the feed with just one item in it ? [Updated to use properties instead of methods]