The underlying Sync Services API that this application was built on have been deprecated by Apple starting in OSX 10.8, consequently its likely to stop working soon, and I'm not planning any further development on this project. The source code is available on Github if you'd like to work on it.

SF3 is an Open Source OSX native application to painlessly synchronize data between the Mac and Salesforce.com.

Source code, issue tracker, documentation, etc are all available on the project site at Google Code. Source code now in Github.

Option to prompt before making changes back to Salesforce.com (similar to the prompt you get when accepting local changes).

A calendar event in iCal, and its synchronized brother in Salesforce.com

Requires a Salesforce.com Professional, Enterprise, Unlimited or Developer Edition account, and Mac OS X 10.6.


THIS IS BETA SOFTWARE (this means its not finished and has bugs) : As with any program that attempts to synchronize data between 2 systems, there's a risk that'll it'll trash the data on either or both of the systems, BACK UP YOUR DATA FIRST. Once you've finished your backups, you can download the latest version from the project home page.